Part: 1 : No title, read the post...
Arve Henriksen - Sakuteiki
Arve Henriksen - Sakuteiki Jazz,
Contemporary Jazz, Experimental
1 Sanmon - Main Entrance (2:37)
2 Viewing Infinite Space (3:12)
3 Inside Tea-House (4:47)
4 Peaceful - Close To Cherry Trees (2:03)
5 Procession Passing (4:46) 6 Evening Call (2:08)
7 Breathing (2:28)
8 Beauty Of Bamboos (3:24)
9 Tsukubai - Washbasin (2:27)
10 Planting Trees Creating Beauty (4:48)
11 "Stones Should Never Be Placed Carelessly" (2:10)
12 White Gravel (2:26)
13 Shrine (4:59)
14 Paths Around The Pond (3:11)
15 Children In My Garden (4:40)
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Part: 2 : No title, read the post...
Various Artists [Future Sound of Jazz Volume 5]
Various Artists [Future Sound of Jazz Volume 5]
1. Life in Loisaida
2. Ode to a duck
3. Escobar blues
4. Reggie's escape
5. Blue sonoko
6. The shake up
7. Glow worm
8. Plants, animals, H2O
9. 1300 milliseconds of brass
1. Taurus
2. Nasty Funk
3. Tempos atraz (APE Remix)
4. Freakmeister
5. Casablanca
6. Solid water
7. Reloaded
8. Voodoo Science
9. Seismic simmer
10. Running on the sand from somewhere to anywhere
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